Sunday, March 17, 2013

The hardest thing for me to do is admit complete defeat.

Admitting that I am powerless gives me the power not to use heroin today. Anyone with half a brain could suggest that the former sentence contradicts itself. The first time I heard it it induced the same feeling inside of me. However, I soon later realized I was thinking inside the box when this occurred.

More times than not I had tried to use heroin in a controlled manner. Every time the result was the same; I was using even though I knew negative consequences would ensue. I was using even though it was miserable and not fun anymore. I was using regardless of everything around me was being ruined. I was using even though I knew that at any moment the next time I stuck a needle in my arm it could be my last.

Some people can drink or use with impunity. I cannot. I may have gotten away with my using early on in my career, but it eventually caught up to me since I am what they call a real addict. I invited negative consequences into my life and the disgusting part is that I brought them onto myself. 

It seems paradoxical, but the only way for me to win is to surrender (the definition of this word as defined by the dictionary is to join the winning side) to the cold, hard, sobering truth. I simply cannot use with impunity. My using is unhealthy, dangerous, destructive, and deadly.

It may not resonate with some because of denial. I never met an addict who never experienced denial at one time or another. Addicts have a tendency to lie, minimize, and rationalize their way to another drink or drug. It is not called an addiction for nothing.

Conceding to my innermost self that I was an addict gave me power to change my thinking and my actions. Denial (Don’t even know I am lying) played a huge role in denying me the ability to recognize that drugs were controlling my life. No matter what if anyone had anything to say to me about my using, I would simply respond with it’s not as bad as you think. If only I would have listened.

Giving myself the opportunity to be aware of something I wasn’t before allows me to take responsibility for it. Once I take responsibility for something it allows me to change it. Admitting that I am powerless gives me the chance to change something in my life that has got the best of me thus far. Today I have power but I hand that power over to something greater than me. I can’t comprehend what it is but I am grateful that it continues to do for me what I cannot do for myself.


  1. STEP ONE! – “We admitted we were powerless over out addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives had become unmanageable.” HAHA our lives are super unmanageable for real. only right now though. we will work on fixing them.

  2. I was thinking... in Rehab I continually, at every panel or meeting we went to heard that the only thing Heroin will lead us to is either Jails, Institutions and/or DEATH. Think about it.. we have already been to jail (wompwompppp).. been in an institution for thirty days.. yours i believe was a longer stay (REHAB)....TWO DOWN.. ONE TO GO.>> we need STAY SOBER so we never ever come close to the third one. (DEATH). I am not going to be remembered as Allison.. just that blonde girl who overdosed and died from Heroin. NOPE.. that will not be either one of us.. and I will not allow any more of my friends go out that way either. I have already saved two friends' lives that have been overdosing right in front of me with an empty rig sticking out of their vein somewhere..without any hesitation I called 911 right away this last time because we waited way too long the first time.I fuuucking hate needles. they destroy everything when mixed with heroin. or other drugs ...Heyy are you home? Watching all my friends shoot up heroin and then overdose so easily just makes me disgusted and I am proud to watch you put the RIGS down and know I will never ever pick one up to put heroin into it and inject that into my veins. NOPENOPE NOPPE not helping.. NO THANKSSS ..BYE! :)

  3. SOO think about this one.. Rehab continually repeated that Heroin will only lead us to jails. instituations and death. Both Cam and I have already been to Jail and and institution. TWO DOWN FOR US ONE TO GO...fuuuck no!!! never will i put that needle in my arm. I was like wtf where are my rigs.. o wait i could care the fuck less I am just sooo over watching my friends risk death every time they suck that shit up and inject it into their veins. I already play mom as it is...

    1. haha dont know what i was talking about (my mom) at the end of that last blog i replied to. lol I think it is too late for this shit and i need sleep.bye
