Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Adversity defines character.

Adversity is an absolute to life. No matter what you do or where you do it something seems to always hinder the ability to accomplish it whether it's an act outside of you or within you. I don't believe there is a force that naturally forces these upon you but I do believe any obstacle in our way is a rendition made up in our mind. Albeit, there are obstacles that are actually mandated but to overcome those there is always a process; really - there is a process to everything.

That process might create adversity but only if we let it. I am in an situation where adversity is ADVERSELY affecting my motivation and I am finding ways to combat that. Although difficult, I don't believe it will prevent me from my end-goal but I do believe that I need to weather whatever adversity I find myself facing in order to succeed and reach my goals.

Starting over with nothing is no easy task - I mean I've been in this situation multiple times now and I always seem to find a way to get back on my feet. The problem lies in sustaining what I've built but I believe in myself enough today that it won't be an issue. I don't focus on that today because I'm not there. I'm at the beginning and I am putting forth all of my energy and attention towards getting myself to the point of sustainability to test my strength and will. Test? Maybe that isn't the right word but it seems suitable today.

I am at a point in my recovery where action leads to more positive results where the exact opposite leads to a dead end. Life is defined by a sequence of events that ultimately lead up to goal being achieved or not. I've recently strayed away from setting any goals for myself because I haven't been on top of my positive mindset. I've been too focused on the self-pity part of my life thinking about where I'm at and what I've done. Focusing on the present really is difficult especially when you've gone through what I've gone through.

As difficult as it is - staying in today is a necessity for my survival. Dwelling on something that has happened in the past can and will motivate you but staying there won't. It's what I focus on today and how I will achieve the goals that I've set for myself is what my legacy will end up being. Do I want to be remembered as an individual who succumbed to the desire and pleasure of heroin? No because that is not who I am and not who my parents raised me to be.

I have a purpose in this world and whatever that purpose is I'm still trying to figure that out. It doesn't discourage me knowing that I haven't lived up to my true potential. I have plenty of time to accomplish what I want to accomplish and the great thing is I really have any opportunity in the world today. If I can conquer the disease of heroin affliction then I can conquer anything in this world. And for those that have been through addiction know exactly what I'm talking about.

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