Saturday, August 9, 2014

Random thoughts on where I am at today with my recovery...

I wish I knew what to say right now. So much has happened in these past 12 plus months that I don't even know where to begin. I've finally entered a sober living and I've been here for the past two days. To say the last two years have been chaos is an understatement. It is such a relief that I am here and attempting to live life sober. I say attempting because nothing is concrete in recovery. I'll honestly say it has been bittersweet entering sober living due to the fact that I am leaving behind what I know. The rush I get when I push the plunger in and the heroin enters my veins is indescribable. I fantasise about that now because my body is still adjusting to not having it in it's system. I could lie and tell you I don't think about it but I do. I think about it 24/7. I also think about the fact that I have no more chances except for this one so why risk throwing away my entire life? I have one last chance before I lose my family and to be honest I don't know why they are helping me one last time.

I have said this before and I will say it again but I honestly feel this is the last chance at recovery I have before I end up in a grave. No parent should have to bury their own son or daughter and to have survived so many heroin shots that I have without overdosing is baffling. Maybe there is a bigger purpose to my life than what it is right now. Maybe there is something left for me to do. I don't know but it feels almost surreal that I am in a sober living because I honestly felt stuck in the places that I started to find myself at. I finally experienced jail; twice in 3 weeks. LA County jail is not fun and it's not a place that I ever want to be again. I will expand on that on a later post but for right now let's focus on the beginning of my recovery.

I'm currently on lockdown which means I can't leave the premises. This is for my own safety - I guess. It's been difficult saying goodbye to my friends that I have been using with because I have been through up's and down's with them these past couple of years. I've been there for them and they've been there for me. However, if they don't get sober then I can't associate with them anymore. It sucks to say that but it's best I surround myself with positive people who are serious about their recovery. Who those people are is still unknown but I do know I can befriend the right people. I did it before while I was in recovery in Pasadena when I first started this blog so replicating that shouldn't be so difficult.

I'm currently living in Capistrano Beach which is between Laguna Beach and San Clemente. The best part about being where I am is the beach is literally five minutes away. Staring off into the ocean, catching some rays, or even going surfing is better than any high I can get with a syringe filled with heroin. It may not be as euphoric but at least it's a life I can live that people respect me by. I don't know what I am going to do these next few weeks but I do know I am going to try to go to 90 meetings in 90 days. I've never accomplished that before but it's what I need to do. I already have a sponsor lined up who should be perfect for me. He sponsors a close friend of mine and he said the best thing about him is he makes you think. I'm very intelligent and usually have trouble finding someone who can induce a conversation that actually makes me think so having him as a sponsor should be good for me. I hate to brag about it but when I had to see the psychiatrist at the jail and they gave me an IQ test which I scored a 142. I was told that is pretty good. Maybe that is why I feel like I am surrounded by idiots all the time.

All joking aside, I need to do everything I can in my power to not use and occupy my time with positive things that incorporate recovery. Whatever that is I am all for it because it is the only thing that will keep me from dying. I don't want to die nor do I want to make my parents go through the loss of a child. Three people have overdosed in my apartment and each time they were seconds away from dying by the time the paramedics arrived. We always were skeptical in calling the paramedics because of the consequences that might occur because of the paraphernalia, drugs, and contraband that was present. Cleaning that up was the priority - not the life on the brink of death. Seeing that first hand multiple times reminds me of all the friends that I have lost since entering recover 3 1/2 years ago. I used to be able to count them on one hand but now I can't even count them on both of my hands.

I'm excited to be back in recovery. Like I said though, it is bittersweet. Once I am over the drug malaise then I am sure that I will be all for it like I was before. Instant gratification is what I am used to and recovery requires you to be patient. I have trouble developing any kind of patience but it's necessary. I hope this anxiety goes away soon because I know a shot of heroin would take it away instantly. It would also take away everything all over again. I literally have nothing left except my two laptops, my car, and a few clothes. My puppy and cat is at my roommates house but I'm sure I'll never see them again unless he gets clean. I hope he does but I don't think he has the desire nor drive to get clean right now. He overdosed last night and luckily my friend was with him and able to call 911 or he would have been a goner. The last thing I said to him was "don't fucking take too much and overdose." I guess he didn't heed my warning.

He's safe though and I hope it was a wake up call for him. It sure was for me. Yet will it stay implanted long enough to get me to a place where using is the last thing I think about? The bad times quickly fade and my brain only remembers the good times during my using. It tells me that it's alright to have one shot; that it's alright to only use on the weekends; that it's alright to only use in the mornings. All of those events have led to using all day and all night. It lost me my girlfriend who I still miss very much. It lost me my sister who hasn't talked to me in years. My nephews are growing up without knowing who their uncle is. I hope that relationship can be rekindled but who knows. I do know that there is a possibility if I am sober but if I continue to use then it never will come to fruition.

Using heroin has been my entire life for the past year and some change. I had a severely bad habit that I had to support by selling heroin. I'll tell you all about that later but I supported myself by means of selling and business was good. Business was more than good - it was great. It all came crashing down though because I guess I was just too nice. I'm glad it did though because that life would have never ended had I continued selling. I potentially could have ended up in an even worse situation had I gotten caught selling but luckily I never did. A white boy like me selling heroin? Nah man no way. Cops never even looked my way. I could write a book on how to sell heroin and get away with it but lets not and pretend I did.

Anyways I'll be keeping this blog updated a few times a week when I feel like writing about something. This post has been so random because that is exactly where my head is at. I can't concentrate. I can't focus. I can't sleep. I can barely eat. I just want it all to get better much sooner than later.

Thank you all for the support and I appreciate the kind words. Please never try any sort of drug because you'll end up just like me if not worse. Let my experience deter you away from any sort of temptation because trust me it is not worth it. You eventually lose everything.


  1. Actions speak louder than seems like i just know you too well at the moment.. or maybe I just know exactly how you are feeling and acting.. when i dropped you off the last thing you said was you better get clean too!! think about it. ACTIONS ACTIONS ACTIONS FUCK WORDS THEY DON'T MEAN SHIT TO AN ADDICT!! WE LOOOOOVE TO LIE AND SOUND BETTER THEN WE ARE REAlly doing... think about it. see ya later playaaa. ;) it will all end well i just know it.!

  2. ALSO, when you are getting high it does not seem like you write at all.. at the moment you are working on getting clean and sober and you have finally started to write again... thats gotta count for something! keep it up I want to read a lot more! and YES..... YOU WILL BE ABLE TO STILL CHILL WITH YOUR FUCKING COOL FRIENDS RIGHT HERE BECAUSE I AM GETTING CLEAN AND WILL STAY CLEAN I PROMISE YOU THAT( and so will your roommate...lots of people are counting on us to stay clean.. but do it for ONLY YOU and everyone else will just be happy to see that we are happy and feeling good about life again! ! I will do whatever it takes to go back to the good little girl i was before heroin came into my life. My dad always asks if I should still be associating with you two at all or even talking to every once in a while and I keep telling him yes because they are sober and they actually want to be sober. I believe in us all!

  3. Dear Miss Heroin

    You save me from a hell of a lotta pain. You are the only thing that makes me survive. When your not in my system, I feel weak, alone, and short. I miss you. Your the highlight of my day. When I grab ahold of you I shake in excitement and can't wait. My anxiety is rushing, and things blurr out. The only thing left in my mind is you. It all revolves around you. I'm blank. I'm so into you. Its hard to set you down and move away. Why? I cook you on my spoon til your all burnt. I fill you up in my needle, so brown. The color of you is breath taking. I need it, I crave you, I yurn for you. What to do? I tie off and shoot up. I count til I feel the rush. Sometimes it hits sooner than other times. It just that one perfect moment you don't care about life. scary to say, but sometimes I want to overdose and never wake up because I don't want to come off you. Ever! Your my sweet addiction. Your my life and you control me. I have no resistance to what you do for me. Sober is a lie and its not me. Sober is pain. Heroin, your my best friend. Your my addiction, always and forever. ( WE KNOW SOBER IS NOT A LIE>> BUT YOU DON'T WANT TO BE WRITING SHIT LIKE THAT! )

    always think about this one..

  4. To my addiction,

    You took everything from me: my family, my friends, my job, my home, my dignity. You were all I thought about from the first thing in the morning to the last thing before I stumbled into sleep. You made me take awful care of myself. My standard of living was disgusting. I ruined my relationship with my parents. All I cared about was you.

    I’m thankful I hit rock bottom. I remember the exact day. My 1-year old’s dad had just come home. He had been using and he looked awful. My son looked at him, and then looked at me as if to say, “mommy help”. I knew at that moment that I would never use again. My child would never look at me like that.

    I was 10 weeks pregnant with my second son when I found Aspen Center for Women at Arapahoe House. I was ready to get help. I had never been to treatment before, but I knew I was going to give it everything I had. The counselors didn’t judge me, they listened and they helped me. They were there for me and helped me begin to overcome you, my nightmare.

    I hate asking for help, you made me ask for help. Before treatment, most of my MONEY was spent on drugs. My son had diapers, but that’s about it. None of it was worth it. Addiction runs in my family, but that’s no excuse. You are always going to be there. I have to fight you every day. But, it’s getting easier.

    My 2-year old son and 4-month old son light up my world. They are healthy and thriving. I’m a SINGLE MOM determined to make a solid, healthy life for them. I will never go through this again. I will do whatever it takes to stay away from you, addiction.

    I get up in the morning now and take pride in what I’m doing and who I am. I’m a recovering addict rebuilding the relationship with my parents and this is the first time I’ve been a real mom. I love it more than anything and I’m getting better at it every day. I’m strong. I’m going to CONTINUE to conquer you.


    and your addiction would like to leave you a little something to think about as well.,...he is such a little bitch. so selfish.

    Dear Friend,
    I've come to visit once again. I love to see you suffer mentally physically spiritually and socially. I want to have you restless so you can never relax. I want you jumpy and nervous and anxious. I want to make you agitated and irritable so everything and everybody makes you uncomfortable. I want you to be DEPRESSED and confused so that you can't think clearly or positively. I want to make you hate everything and everybody-especially yourself. I want you to feel guilty and remorseful for the the things you have done in the past that you'll never be able to let go. I want to make you angry and hateful toward the world for the way it is and the way you are. I want you to feel sorry for yourself and blame everything but your addiction for the way things are. I want you to be deceitful and untrustworthy, and to manipulate and con as many people as possible. I want to make you fearful and paranoid for no reason at all and I want you to wake up during all hours of the night screaming for me. You know you can't sleep without me; I'm even in your dreams.

    I want to be the first thing you wake up to every morning and the last thing you touch before you black out. I would rather kill you, but I'll be happy enough if I can put you back in the hospital, another institution or jail. But you know that I'll still be waiting for you when you come out. I love to watch you slowly going insane. I love to see all the physical damage that I'm causing you. I can't help but sneer and chuckly when you shiver and shake, when you freeze and sweat at the same time, when you wake up with your sheets and blankets soaking wet.

    It's amazing how much destruction I can do to your internal organs while at the same time, work on your brain, destroying it bit by bit. I deeply appreciate how much you sacrifice for me.

    The countless good jobs you have sacrificed for me. All the fine friends that you deeply cared for-you gave them up for me. And what's more, for the ones you turned against yourself because of your inexcusable actions-I am more than grateful.

    And especially your loved ones, your family, and the most important people in the world to you. You even threw them away for me. I cannot express in words the gratitiude I have for the loayalty you have for me. You sacrificed all these beautiful things in your life just to devote yourself completely to me. But do not despair my friend, for on me you can always depend. For after you have lost all these things, you can still depend on me to take even more. You can depend on me to keep you in living hell, to keep your mind, body and soul. FOR I WILL NOT BE SATISFIED UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD, MY FRIEND.

    Faithfully yours,
    Your addiction and HEROIN
